Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trader Joe's..in Houston?

The Austin American Statesman reported today that the company Trader Joe's is looking to expand in Texas. I wasn't able to find a press release on the company website, but if a store does open in Houston, it would make me so happy.
It's hard to explain a store like Trader Joe's to people who are not familiar with it. The article in the paper calls it a Whole Foods competitor, but it really isn't. For one, it's not a one stop grocery store. The shops are pretty small and only carry the Trader Joe brand. By selling everything under its own brand name, the are able to carry gourmet food at a lower cost than at other grocery stores.
The stores are also ideal for people in urban areas who might not have a big kitchen. They are known for their prepped veggies (already cut up butternut squash is my personal favorite). Their frozen food section is awesome for parties. We used to always get finger foods from their when we hosted parties while living in the east coast.
My friends who have been exposed to this store in other cities love it, but I do have to wonder how successful it would be in Houston. I suspect in Houston, it would do well near the Heights or Post Oak, where their is a critical mass of young professionals that such a store would appeal to. Of course, that would be a far drive for me, (I used to live within walking distance from a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods), but I'd still make the drive.

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